Gay rubber scat story

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All the man saw was a firey brunette coming at him. The man was about to lower the mask onto Wesley when the front door flew open and Tyler rushed at them.

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The three men easily overpowered him, and got him by both his arms. Wesley did a dodge roll and managed to slip past the two guys on both sides. 'You will join our organization,' the man stated. One of them had a strange black mask, and he was approaching Wesley with it. There were two other men with him, Wesley noticed now. All of sudden, he was roughly grabbed by a man and marched into their living room. Wesley figured that maybe Tyler had come home with a friend or a date and let himself inside.

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He shared the place with his college roommate Tyler, but.Tyler didn't drive a yellow car. Wesley saw a yellow car parked in front of his small house, which he thought was odd.

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